Would you like to spend less and travel more? We can show you how.

As a thank you for coming in and watching the multi-media presentation about our vacations, you’ll get a complimentary vacation!

Watch the video above to find out what other travelers are saying about Sundance Vacations! Hear about some real life experiences with our company and be sure to check out all of our current promotional trip offers! Is there a catch to our Sundance Vacations Promotional offer? Just that you need to take some time out of your day to come watch our presentation, it’s that simple!

One of our staff members will conduct the multi-media presentation about all the great things Sundance has to offer. They will discuss the benefits of traveling with us and what makes us so different from other companies. Time is also reserved for individual questions about the company and our travel services. If it’s a fit for you, great! If not, that’s okay too, there is no obligation to purchase.

Do You Qualify for a Trip?

Occasionally, Sundance Vacations offers the people we meet at our sponsored events exclusive promotional opportunities. If you meet select criteria you may be chosen to receive these offers, all you need to do is schedule a time to come in and allow us to introduce our unique product to you. When you visit with us you’ll participate in a multi-media presentation, if our services fit your needs, great! If not, that’s ok too, you’ll still leave with the complimentary vacation.

First, a Little Bit About You
Your First Name*
Your Last Name*
Maritial Status*
Annual Income*
Contact Information
Phone Type*
Phone Number*
Zip Code*
Official Terms*